Kristofferson Silverfox is a secondary character in the film Fantastic Mr. Fox. He is Mr. Fox's nephew (from his wife's side) and slightly younger cousin to their son Ash. He stays with his aunt and uncle due to his father, Mrs. Fox's brother, having double pneumonia. Kristofferson is voiced by Eric Chase Anderson.
Kristofferson has off-white fur with a faint silver luster. He has bright blue eyes, which give him a relation to Mrs. Fox. He is considerably taller than most foxes his age, and has a lean, athletic build. His choice of clothing includes a pale blue button shirt, pale white shorts with high white-colored socks and yellow shoes.
Plot Involvement[]
Kristofferson is first seen as he arrives on a hill with the label "Unaccompanied Minor." He is the Fox family's nephew from Mrs. Fox's side of the family, who has come to stay with them because his father has double pneumonia (his mother is not mentioned in the film).
The next time we see him is when he and Ash dive from the tree into a small pool. Kristofferson proves himself to be a skilled athlete by gracefully diving into the pool, barely making a splash. Mr. Fox claps for him and states, "this kid's a natural!" He then meditates, surprising the Fox family.
Later that night, he asks Ash if he can move his sleeping mat from underneath the table on which Ash's train sits. Ash snaps at him and tells him that he's annoyed with his "sad houseguest routine." Kristofferson lies down to sleep and quietly begins to cry. Ash notices and checks on Kristofferson. He then turns on his train set, and the two watch the train circle the table.

The next day at school, Kristofferson distracts Ash's lab partner, Agnes. The two seem to develop a crush on each other. The bully of the school asks Kristofferson why his cousin is "such a wet sandwich" and Kristofferson remarks that he sounds like a bully. After this conversation, the bully causes their experiment to blow up, and Kristofferson calmly extinguishes the fire, though he is somewhat annoyed. Agnes is impressed with this and tells him that she likes his ears, to which he replies that he likes her spots.
Later, Kristofferson is shown the ropes to a game called Whack-Bat. He listens to the coach explain it quickly and substitutes for Ash. He plays and shows a firm understanding of and skill for the game. The coach is impressed and comments that Ash is obviously related to Mr. Fox, to which Ash replies that he is only a blood relative of Mrs. Fox. While Kristofferson is playing, Ash sees Agnes holding up a sign with a "K!" printed on it. Agnes admits to Ash that she and Kristofferson are "going steady."
Kristofferson later accompanies Mr. Fox and Kylie to steal Bean's cider. He tells his uncle that he's honored to have been invited but he doesn't like dishonesty. Mr. Fox assures him that he isn't lying if he doesn't say anything, so Kristofferson reluctantly goes along with the plan. He later helps trap Rat in Bean's cellar by pulling a rug from under him and locking him in a crate. Ash, Kylie, and Mr. Fox narrowly avoid being spotted by Mrs. Bean, he remarks that they must have been saved by her bad eyesight. As the trio try to sneak back into the Fox residence, they are caught by Mrs. Fox.
After Mr. Fox's tail is shot off, Ash says that at least Mr. Fox's isn't as hurt as Kristofferson's father, who has "one foot in the grave and three on a banana peel." Kristofferson throws an acorn in frustration and it lands perfectly in a cup that he is holding. He states that he will go meditate for half an hour, showing that he was rather upset and angered by Ash's comment.

"I can fight my own fights." "...No, you can't."
When the house is later dug up and the Foxes are on the run, Kristofferson confronts Ash about the rumors he was spreading about him (which Ash denies) and tells him that he doesn't appreciate it. When the foxes (plus Kylie) meet up with the other animals, Ash is bullied by Beaver's son and Kristofferson stands up for him by beating up the beaver. He seemed to realize that Ash was extremely self-conscience and even vulnerable. Ash tells him, "I can fight my own fights" to which Kristofferson replies with, "No, you can't."
Some time after Mr. Fox leads the party of animals to steal everything from the farmers, Ash convinces Kristofferson to steal back his dad's tail. He goes with Ash to retrieve it. However, after receiving the tail Kristofferson and Ash gave in to the temptation of Mrs. Bean's apple pastries, causing Kristofferson to be captured whilst Ash manages to escape. He is bound up, blindfolded, and then put in a crate on top of a box in the attic of Bean's house, being held for ransom. Ash soon arrives to rescue him, apologizing to Kristofferson for his previous rude behaviour, and is forgiven.
After Ash rescues him from the attic, the two joins up with Kylie and Mr. Fox and escape. As they ride away, Kristofferson also sees the wolf with the rest of them. At the end of the film, he is seen to be meditating with Ash.

He is a rather mild-mannered fox, not really seen yelling in the movie. He is very considerate and is not confrontational unless someone is being offended, in which case he will step in. He is very loyal toward his friends and family.
Kristofferson is extremely skilled in many areas of expertise, many of the characters dubbing him a "natural" with whatever he tries. He knows karate and is shown to be very skilled in it, in one instance using it to defend his cousin. He additionally enjoys meditating and occasionally playing the kazoo.
- Kristofferson is an original character made for the film. There is no mention of other relatives in the Fox family in the original book.
- Kristofferson's voice actor, Eric Chase Anderson, is brother to the film's director Wes Anderson.
- Kristofferson may be a kit fox based off his looks, this can be clearly compared during his first appearance scene.
- Kristofferson is the only character in the movie that wears blue, indicating to the fact that he is from out of town.
- Kristofferson's last name is Silverfox, written on the side of his suitcase and written on his "Unaccompanied Minor" nametag.